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On a more serious note

this is for teens or even people in their 20's that need soemone to talk to or need help with problems.
there are a few egroups with support in them. This is for teens with depression or weight issues like myself, just to let them know that they are not alone. Because I know how it is to feel that way. When you can't talk to your friends or parents about it. If you want to talk to me or get a hold of me go to the contact page and it will tell you how. IM me email me, whatever it takes, just don't hold it in, it's a big mistake, and makes the pain worse.

  On Depression: I don't want the people who look at this to think i am weird or a nut or whatever. I have battled depression on and off for the last four years. On more then off. Public high school was a living hell for me. I was always made fun of because of how i looked, or who i hung around with. i couldn't stand the getting picked on anymore. I was a weak person. So after my 10th grade year and me begging my mom every morning not to make me go to school. I transferred to private Christian school. I was so afraid of the people there because they were so nice to me. I even got prom queen and have to say it was the best two years of school. Now I go to college and am having a tough time again. I get depressed pretty often when school is in thinking of what could of been. If anyone needs to talk IM me. I also am on medication for the depression and believe me it helps, i was so weary to go to a doctor over it, but i found out it is what i needed.

me and my dog daisy. march 01
  On being over weight. Another reason I got picked on a lot in school. I had been over weight since i was in the fourth grade. I was never picked on till everyone hit puberty and entered high school. When i transferred to private school I was at an all time high on being over weight. weighing about 208. I got depressed and ate. i got bored i ate. I started loosing the weight though and have lost about 30 pounds. I know how bad it hurts to be picked on for that. and want to help others who are there..

my graduating class of four. "99.
  there is more pics of me at my website. go check em out please.

me on the right, my freind destinie at our freind lauras graduation.