My concert and celebrity pictures:
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 Backstreet Boys pics for sale

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On a more serious note

Here are some of my faves:
PLease do not steal/use these without my permission. If you want to see pics of me and my friends then go check out my personal/humor site that is listed in the links section.
thanks. if you want to buy any of the concert pics then contact me, they will be 4.00 each.

Shifty from Crazy Town

Kenny Chesney. I'm not really a country music fan, but I like him.

Ricky Carmichael. I can't wait to see him at nationals.

Mytown. summer 00. all that tour. I got 6 row from the stage seats. It was the best.

Backstreet Boys Pittsburgh 2/09. we were in the balcony. not good for someone who is afraid of heights.

Boyz and girls United. Me and My friend Destinie got their autographs. they are really nice. summer 00. all that concert

this is Brad Fishetti of Lfo. He is so hot. I about passed out. He is on the right. sorry it is dark, but it was outside and it was dark out there.

Leslie Carter at the all that tour.

Rich Cronin of LFO

MX racer David Vuelliem. i probably didn't spell his last name right, but oh well

Jeremy McGrath

Ricky Carmichael

Jason Momoa. Actor who plays on Baywatch Hawaii and model.

backstreet boys 6/26 pittsburgh

thanks for looking at my pics